Panic, phobias, obsessive compulsion, post-traumatic stress -- they all have one thing in common: their roots spring from anxiety.
The ANXIETY section will explain the most common anxiety disorders and help you put your feet on the path to recovery.
Anxiety Disorder: What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety Disorder: Quick Facts
O.C.D.: What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
O.C.D.: Quick Facts
Panic Disorder: What is Panic Disorder?
Panic Disorder: Quick Facts
P.T.S.D.: What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
P.T.S.D.: Quick Facts
Phobias: What is a Phobia?
Phobias: Quick Facts
Let's Speak English - The Language of Recovery Stop speaking in labels and start talking about feelings.
Selecting a Therapist Find out how to pick the best person for the job.
Therapy Commences One woman's first encounter with therapy.