Are You an ACOA?
Like it or not, our parents have an impact on our behavior in ways that we may not even realize. When a parent is an alcoholic, the impact on their children can have consequences that follow them into adulthood. If one or both of your parents had a drinking problem while you were growing up, you are an Adult Child Of an Alcoholic (ACOA). Take this quiz and see just how much their drinking has affected your adult life. Keep track of the number of questions you answer with a YES, and add up your score before consulting the score sheet below:
Add up your score. 0 - 6 You're handling things very well. Just keep an eye on yourself to make sure you don't fall into potential trouble zones. Examine your answers and see if they have a theme. Look at the issues that create the most problems, whether it be in your relationships (questions 13 - 20), or struggling with your own identity (questions 1-12). 7 - 14 Things aren't terrible, but they could be better. No need to settle for "not terrible," however. Make the effort to raise your self-esteem and clear out the obstacles that are getting in the way of fulfilling your dreams. 15 - 21 The past is casting a heavy shadow over you. Sadness, fear, and frustration rear their heads all too often. Don't sweep your feelings under the rug. It's time to face what's going on so that you can turn it around. Get out from under by getting help. It is possible to change old patterns! Yes to #21 You are following in your parent's footsteps. Don't let your parent's addiction overwhelm your life. Don't give up on yourself. To stop the cycle, seek help now. Whatever your score, if one or both of your parents are alcoholics, you may want to check out Al-Anon and talk to people who are also living with many of these same issues. It can't hurt, and it could help. For your local chapter, check in the phone book under "Alcoholism" or call 1-800-344-2666 (U.S.) or 1-800-443-4525 (Canada). RECOMMENDED READING FROM THE PSYSTORE: Adult Children of Alcoholics by Janet Geringer Woititz Our Price: $8.76 "Ten years ago, Janet Woititz broke new ground in the understanding of the Adult Child of an alcoholic by listing the characteristics that ACoAs share. Here, in a new and expanded edition, the mother of the ACoA movement provides wisdom and information for all Adult Children of dysfunctional families." -- Synopsis For a selection of books on this topic, visit the Psystore. |